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Together A Wish No One Remembers-DARKSiDERS

It is also derivative of just about everything imaginable. There's barely a single original idea in here - and yet that never proves a bad thing. Instead this is a lucky dip of great game ideas from everywhere else, compiled together in one enormous project, dwarfing its inspirations in terms of size, if not always in design. Within the game you'll find one huge chunk of Prince Of Persia, a generous slice of Zelda, no inconsiderable lump of Metroid Prime, and a car park full of Ratchet & Clank. Then there's the bucketfuls of Shadows Of The Colossus, all served with a massive side order of Diablo. And these aren't reaches - these are bold, clear influences, and what a bloody good thing that is. What a fantastic list of games to be reminded of, all at once.

Together A Wish No One Remembers-DARKSiDERS

I just wish they hadn't called it Darksiders II. I'm not exactly in the minority not having played the first game, and it would seem too great a shame to put people off playing this. It should really have been called Darksiders: Death, so let's all imagine it was.

Returning to Nar Shaddaa, Kallig learned from the cultists that the CN-12 was being held by a trio of cyborgs called the Veil and they only wished to speak with the Sith. And so Kallig did meet with the Veil, who attempted to bargain the chip for control of the cult. Instead, Kallig used a mind trick to compel them to join the cult.

However, fortune found the Dark Lord when, instead of searching for an apprentice himself, he was approached by Jedi Master Skere Kaan. Kaan, who went against the High Council's wishes, ventured to Yavin 4 to investigate the reason behind the New Sith's formation, where he found Lord Sithis. As he did before with Phanius, Lord Sithis succeeded in swaying the radical Jedi to the dark side, using the same technique as before; seducing him with his dark holocron.

Lord Sithis spoke to the young Bane, acquiescing to his disillusionment from Kaan's Brotherhood. The Dark Lord revealed to Bane that he had sensed the young apprentice's strength in the dark side from systems away, to which he believed that he could be the prophesied savior of the doomed Sith Order. Bane, cynically dismissing the ghost's fanatical preaches, claimed that he only wished for the destruction of the Brotherhood, whom he believed to have become inferior to the teachings of the ancient Sith Lords. Sithis agreed, after which he revealed to Bane the location of Darth Revan's lost holocron, convincing the young Sith that the former Dark Lord's profane teachings were hidden inside.

To Sithis' suggestion, Bane found and unlocked Darth Revan's holocron, studying its contents thoroughly. Afterwards, he found that it was his duty to restore the Sith Empire of old. Later, the ghostly presence revealed his identity to Bane as the two-thousand-year old Sith Lord Sithis. The Dark Lord offered Bane to become his apprentice, to achieve together what other Sith Lords could not; the defeat of the Jedi. Sithis proclaimed his new apprentice Darth Bane, granting him the title of Dark Lord of the Sith. This would be the first occasion where both master and apprentice were Dark Lords.

At around 60 BBY, the Sith Lord Darth Plagueis - intrigued by the legend and stories of Lord Sithis - took a spiritual journey to Korriban in hopes of learning more of the Sith that came before him, particularly the Dark Lord Sithis. The Muun Sith Lord had a relentless curiosity to uncovering the secret of immortality, and so he hoped to learn more about how Lord Sithis had achieved true immortality. More importantly, however, he wished to find this acclaimed Sith himself.

Over the past 10 years, I've journeyed through countless other stages and fought many more monsters, but the underworld of Dante's Inferno sticks with me. Other action series like Bayonetta or Devil May Cry have a religious bent, but none of them deal so blatantly with the tenets of Christianity like Dante's Inferno. A decade later, I still wish I'd gotten the chance to experience the rest of The Divine Comedy through Purgatory and Paradise. Tony Wilson

For little else than these two reasons, FFXIII was written off by a lot of people--myself included. And in retrospect, I wish I hadn't have been so short-sighted. Yes, I wanted a different type of game at that time, and that's OK, but I've since learned the value of experimentation and a bit of patience. FFXIII was a risky move by Square Enix and the dev team, and marked the genesis of an adventurous design spirit that would carry forth into Final Fantasy XIII-2 and Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII--games that continually contorted familiar concepts and further set FFXIII (as a whole) apart from the series as we knew it. It's funky, often maligned, and rarely praised, yet it's worth asking: was FFXIII ahead of its time? I would have laughed at the question back in 2010, but it doesn't seem like such a far-fetched idea today. Peter Brown

This thread is all in good discussion......but if anyone wishes to actually use a car tire on a motorcycle....first go buy a new first aid kit....a deluxe one.....make sure you have a friend following you with a cell phone to call 911 and he is versed in rescue. If you survive......make sure you have several magazines ....the nurse can read them to you while you are in traction......

And what I mean by this is that you get all the typical trappings that make a Diablo game great. Be it multiple unique character types to play as; various locations filled to the brim with quests, challenges and countless different enemy variants; sprawling dungeons with tough one-of-a-kind bosses; a truckload of special and differing loot and gear that offer significant bonuses and can be matched up to create silly and powerful builds; and on top of all of that, a wealth of difficulty options that can tailor the experience to suit the level of your character and your personal skill. And this is all without also considering the fact that Diablo Immortal boasts a full, broad storyline that has no significant barriers to the way you enjoy it. Sure there are occasions where to access a new area you will need to be a certain level, meaning you'll have to head off and rack up some experience in other ways (for example daily bounties), but the point stands that you can just blast through the full campaign from the day that the game unlocks - if you so wish.

Before the Shattering, trods connected freeholds together and to Arcadia and other points in the Dreaming like a giant web. Though they are fewer in number now, these magical ways still connect the Fae and provide a means of travel from one place to another. Few leading into the Dreaming functioned well during the Interregnum as most were shut by Banality as surely as the road to Arcadia and the few left were hard to find, almost impossible to open without the right rituals and timing, and extremely dangerous to use. And of course none of them led to Arcadia anymore. Anyone seeking that place ended up lost in the Deep Dreaming instead. Some Trods abruptly end in the Dreaming, holding great dangers for those who haven't traveled it for 600 years.

Some Sidhe lords and ladies have encouraged their subjects to create homesteads in the Dreaming along the Trods or where they end. These homes, markets, and workshops serve as places of Glamour, rendezvous points, and play lands. Other homesteads have sprung up with no relation to the nobility; the commoners who live there seeking to avoid the returned Sidhe, or there were always fae there who don't take kindly to the newcomers. The Dream-Craft cantrip Homestead is vital for those who wish to set up shop in the Dreaming.

A trod can come in many different forms. While many may parallel roads in the mundane world, others can ignore terrain all together; heading through the sky or floating over the sea. Some move through mountain mines or the deeps of crystal lakes. Wherever they go, once on them, the changeling is hidden from the mundane world and may not interact with it, being now totally in the Dreaming and subject to its rules and peculiarities.

Description: During the beginning of the Monster War, the conflict had reached its full height and a portal opened from the sky. Out came a creation of people's agony and chaos. He believes the world has its pros and cons. At the point he was just nothing but a thick black smoke. When the war ended, the dark armies were forced to retreat and swore never to create tension again. Years passed and everyone thought it was time for peace. The black smoke now shaped itself into a visible being. He later came to the dark armies and questioned their defeat of the war. They said "That is because they have more in justice power." As soon as Tormentari heard that, he angrily rose. He never wanted to hear the word "justice" again. He told them that he could easily take down justice whenever he wants to. The leader didn't believe him. So Tormentari told the leader "Come with me." Afterward, the body of several light generals lay quietly on the ground. "See if I wish to unleash my full power. Nothing will stop my carnage. Justice is a lie. I could easily wipe of armies after armies with just my rage. I have nothing but myself at war."


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