Cathodic Protection Of Steel In Concrete And Masonry, Second Edition
Cathodic Protection of Steel in Concrete and Masonry, Second Edition
Cathodic protection (CP) is a technique that can prevent or reduce the corrosion of steel embedded in concrete or masonry structures. CP involves applying an external direct current to the steel, which makes it the cathode of an electrochemical cell. This way, the steel does not undergo oxidation, which is the main cause of corrosion. CP can be used to protect existing structures that are suffering from corrosion damage, or to enhance the durability of new structures that are exposed to aggressive environments.
CP has been used for decades to protect steel pipelines, tanks, bridges, and other metallic structures from corrosion. However, its application to concrete and masonry structures is relatively recent, and has gained popularity in the last few decades. CP can be applied to reinforced conc…